TCA Adult Beginners Classes
Whether you’re trying the game for the first time or shaking off the rust after a few years, TCA’s Adult Beginners class will give you access to focused but accessible work on mechanics, technique, and basic tactics. Saturdays 10-11am.

Welcome Shannon Young to our TCA Staff!
Shannon is originally from Salem, Oregon and started playing competitive junior tennis when she was 11, competing both in the Pacific Northwest region and at the national level in the USTA Zonals tournaments (2004-2006) and Winter Nationals (2006). She went on to play college tennis for the US Air Force Academy and was commissioned as an Air Force Officer in 2012.

TCA Welcomes Carol Neeld-Lang
Carol is a life-long tennis player who grew up playing tennis at the Tennis Club of Albuquerque. She was in the Top 3 Singles and #1 doubles player throughout her junior career in the Southwest and was a three time New Mexico AAAAA State Champion.

Fall Junior Tennis Classes
Fall Junior programing is here, starting, Tuesday, August 25th! Due to the unique circumstances we are still facing and limits for number of students on court, we are going to offer class signups in
two week increments once again.

Notice on COVID-19 Precautions/Considerations
TCA and the Fitness Center take this pandemic seriously. We also understand that exercise is a great stress reliever and is good for us all. Therefore, please read and adhere to our guidelines